Your health,


A world-class interconnected
healthcare system

Healthcare isn’t working

1. Our health is declining

Despite advances in medicine, we’re not getting healthier. We have more allergies, more diabetes, more cancer, and more pain than ever.

2. Costs are crazy

It feels like we are one medical incident away from financial disaster. Even simple visits cost a fortune, and it’s impossible to find reasonable prices for anything.

3. It’s too complicated

We have to deal with scheduling, long wait times, repetitive paperwork, deductibles, and insurance—all to meet with rushed doctors who are completely disconnected from each other.

3 Minute Read

18 things that infuriate us about healthcare

Medici is unique

It’s not perfect (yet), but it’s beautiful.

Our Doctors

Our incredible doctors aren’t only handpicked for their skill, but for their off-the-charts empathy. They love their patients and are given the time and resources to care for them. Between appointments, you’ll often catch them on calls with each other discussing how to best address an individual patient’s specific needs.

Our Ease

Texting a single number gives you access to your team of concierges, coaches, dieticians, nurses, doctors and specialists. It also gives you white glove access to our 5,000 locations for labs, imaging, and urgent care as well as prescriptions and medication delivery.

Our Pricing

Healthcare costs don’t need to be confusing. Ours are simple, transparent, and surprisingly low.